Spot On Productions is a volunteer-run musical theatre group that was established in November 2015. The group was formed to provide an opportunity for cast members who may not have the experience or confidence to join established groups. With the help of a dedicated team and more experienced cast members, Spot On has been able to achieve this goal and continues to include cast members of all ages and abilities in their productions.
Our most recent shows
Spot On Productions were privileged to present our latest musical productions, featuring a talented cast of performers from all backgrounds and levels of experience.
Upcoming shows
Want to Perform or help out?
Thank you for considering our shows and for your interest in being a part of our community. We have plenty of opportunities for all to get involved. We welcome stage crew, front of house, and fundraising support. Keep an eye out for future show launches. We'd love to have you on board and help us continue to produce spectacular and successful shows.